Disaster Plan

Consider developing a disaster plan with your household members to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency:

  • Decide where your household will reunite after a disaster. Identify two places to meet: one right outside your home and another outside your neighborhood, such as a library, community center, or place of worship.
  • Identify all possible exit routes from your home and neighborhood.
  • Designate an out-of-state friend or relative that household members can call if separated during a disaster. If phone circuits are busy, long-distance calls may be easier to make. This out-of-state contact can help you communication with others.
  • Account for everybody's needs, especially seniors, people with disabilities, and non-English speakers.
  • Ensure that household members have a copy of your household disaster plan and emergency contact information to keep in their wallets and backpacks.
  • Practice your plan with all household members.